[Salon] Conservatism: A Rediscovery | Yoram Hazony

Sorry for my focus on the so-called “New Right,” which The American Conservative and Quincy Institute falsely claim opposes our wars (So elect Republicans!), and omit “except against Iran and China, only for the immediate future.” So for that fraud, and that the New Right are the inheritors of political ideas of the likes of Leo Strauss, Willmoore Kendall, and Carl Schmitt, an “Axis of Authoritarianism” if there ever was one, someone needs to expose the underlying “political theory” of the new, New Right, even against the objections, or especially because of the objections, of the so-called “Traditional Conservatives,” though as it turns out, all are “cut from the same cloth.” If they’re correct in understanding that ideology as some claim, that was manifested in elective office first by Joe McCarthy, then by Barry Goldwater. Both celebrated and promoted by the “Conservative Movement” founders. 

But as  seen in Bacevich’s recent celebratory book on Conservatism, it’s a lie, an act of deception, as he does (in my opinion), to group a genuine “conservative” like Wendell Berry, with the most fanatical militarists of any Age, like T.R., Kendall, Irving Kristol, Burnham, Buckley, et al. Why he did that, knowing how he’s opposed our wars and militarism as much and as eloquently as he has, I leave between him and his conscience. But it might be as what comes from ignorance of “political theory” so that one fails to see the “true nature” of an ideology. Such as the extreme militaristic ideology the “Conservative Movement” created in the 1950s, but disguised later as a Wendell Berry style of small-c conservatism. Which was the very opposite ideologically from the “Conservative Movement! And having studied International Relations and Political Science at the graduate level, neither field adequately studies for the most past “political theory,” as least as would have been taught by Sheldon Wolin or Hannah Arendt, so perhaps simple ignorance of the political theory of American Militarism might explain it?

The same goes of course for the failure of people to see the “true nature” of "National Conservatism,” which is “conservative” only in the sense that that “Conservatism” developed ideologically in the 1950s was, to disguise its similarities to “fascism.” With the exhortation by too many to overthrow the Constitution, by “reinterpreting” it, to eviscerate it of the Bill of Rights, as I’ve shown previously. The “Origin” of “Originalism,” in fact. And to provide cover for that as “anti-communism,” as a right-wing “Popular Front” movement, designed to conceal its founding thought as something other than related to “fascist” thought. While drawing on the same “theories” as did the Fascists; Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Plato’s Republic as a fascist version of Utopia as they did. Coupled with the occultist thought of Eric Voegelin and his mysticism tying Athens and Jerusalem together, much like some of the occultish theories of the Nazi’s did with falsifying history. “Liberalism,” as political theory, has its faults when it’s “rationalism” was turned into a extreme version of the same, and the current US “Liberals” share more with the Conservatives in their common ideology from the 1950s Conservative Movement. But remove those “ideas,” liberalism as political theory served the US “interests” far better than the neo-fascist ideas now fully manifested as Trumpism, ever will, with what Willmoore Kendall, a proto-Trumpite, called for as the reinterpreted Constitution, sans the Bill of Rights, with his denial of a “right” to freedom of thought and speech. The very essence of fascism. 

But it has become harder to conceal, or should be, with Peter Thiel’s celebration of the fascist theoreticians Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss, and the impossible to conceal ideological connections the Israeli Settler Yoram Hazony has with the Kahanists. Except that people are willfully blind.

“The more intellectually forceful challenge to libertarianism comes not from progressives but from conservatives. Yoram Hazony provides that challenge in this lucid exposition of a tradition of conservative nationalism that begins in the Old Testament and passes through George Washington and Alexander Hamilton to our own moment.”
— Peter Thiel, author of Zero to One

Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of this book, but a condemnation, and a condemnation of the ignoramuses, or the frauds, who promote it, or as I say below; the “New Right” fascist thought they share. 

Would someone tell me what degree of stupidity it is on a scale of stupidity, with that “scale" starting at a “high degree,” that self-identified “libertarians,” especially antiwar libertarians, could be so stupid as to see in Trump, solely on the basis of tax cuts for the Oligarchs, as something “good” for this country? And for “freedom?” Putting aside that the “alternative" was Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden and their shared, as did Trump, National Security State Ideology (NSSI) inherited from the CIA founders of the “Conservative Movement.” 

Unless the libertarian’s “libertarianism” is simply camouflage for the “Nietzscheanist” ideology of Ayn Rand, located just below the ideological surface of their claim of “defending freedom.” Which I guess means the “freedom” for the Oligarchs to do what they please, and f*** with us ordinary people as much as they want, like stated in the Melian Dialogue, with their manipulations of markets, currencies, US Perpetual War policy, etc. Which it is, but they will never admit that.

So, but for their Nietzscheanism, how ludicrous would their rushing to join their fellows on the Authoritarian Right be, to support Peter Thiel funded authoritarian candidates? And how ludicrous was their enthusiasm for the “free market” ideas of the Trump/Kushner regime, and their “public/private” partnership of the First Family, and the Private Equity industry, while claiming to oppose our Perpetual War, which the aforementioned all profit from?

But here is their “Godfather,” Peter Thiel, on the “challenge” (threat) to libertarians which few, if any, of them are smart enough to see.  

“The more intellectually forceful challenge to libertarianism comes not from progressives but from conservatives. Yoram Hazony provides that challenge in this lucid exposition of a tradition of conservative nationalism that begins in the Old Testament and passes through George Washington and Alexander Hamilton to our own moment.”
— Peter Thiel, author of Zero to Onehttps://www.yoramhazony.org/car/

The gushing tributes below are all you need to know of the right-wing fanatics endorsing the book, and of the right-wing fanatical Kahanist Yoram Hazony, and their shared “New Right” fascist thought.  

Conservatism: A Rediscovery

“The most convincing and thorough evisceration and dismissal of Enlightenment political thought in the last 70 years.”

Michael McKennaWashington Times

“A magisterial book by an important conservative intellectual. To conceptualize and defend as sweeping a political philosophy as Hazony does is a real accomplishment.”
Matthew McManusLiberal Currents 

“A brilliant, moving, and compelling account of what it means to be a conservative in today’s world.
Ben DunsonAmerican Reformer 

 “An astonishing essay in political anthropology… It is not often that a reviewer reaches for the word ‘masterpiece,’ but this is one book where the word is warranted.
Bradford LittlejohnLaw and Liberty 

For the first time in a generation or more, American readers are presented with a full-fledged and non-Lockean conservative political theory… I believe my undergraduates would call this book based.’”
Daniel BurnsPublic Discourse 

“An impressive and heroic work.”
Paul KrauseVoegelin View 

“In a world where so many feel homeless, this book offers a path to finding our way home again.”
Henry GeorgeMerion West 

“With this astonishing book, Yoram Hazony takes uncontestable leadership of postliberal conservatism, becoming not only its most important public intellectual, but also its passionate prophet. Conservatism: A Rediscovery is the book we have long been waiting for.”
Rod Dreher, senior editor at The American Conservative and author of Live Not by Lies

A fascinating, erudite, and mindopening work—historically adept, philosophically vital, and clearly written. It’s a must-buy and a must-read for anyone who thinks deeply about liberty, responsibility, and community.”
— Ben Shapiro, host of The Ben Shapiro Show and editor emeritus of The Daily Wire

 “Steeped in history, framed with well-defined concepts, and presented in crystal clear prose, Hazony’s powerful vision of conservatism for the twenty-first century is capable of steering the ship of state out of our present perils.”
— R. R. Reno, editor of First Things and author of Return of the Strong Gods

“The more intellectually forceful challenge to libertarianism comes not from progressives but from conservatives. Yoram Hazony provides that challenge in this lucid exposition of a tradition of conservative nationalism that begins in the Old Testament and passes through George Washington and Alexander Hamilton to our own moment.”
— Peter Thiel, author of Zero to One

Liberalism, devoured by its “woke” offspring, is at the end of its long reign. But just when the West needs a conservative revival, a political and intellectual movement that was once so sure of itself seems strangely irrelevant.

The award-winning political theorist Yoram Hazony shows that by identifying conservatism with “classical” liberalism, conservatives embraced the very principles that led to their defeat. The survival of Western democracy requires a revival of the centuries-old legal, religious, and cultural traditions that made Britain and America models of national freedom for the entire world.

Going where no political thinker has gone in decades, Hazony provides a fresh theoretical foundation for conservatism. Rejecting the liberalism of Hayek, Strauss, and the “fusionists” of the 1960s, and drawing on decades of personal experience, he shows that conservatism is more than a set of ideas. It is a way of life—compelling, humane, and beautiful. End

No, he doesn’t reject Strauss, but duplicitously pretends to, while adopting the ideas and tactics of ideological forefathers; Carl Schmitt, Meir Kahane, Willmoore Kendall, and Leo Strauss.

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